Kevin and Marcy Smith along with their three youngest children will be moving to Uganda early 2024.  Amiina Ministries was started from a friendship they have had with Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba 5 years ago.  God has continued to expand the ministry and open many doors to bring the hope of Jesus to the marginalized in Uganda.  Kevin and Marcy will be serving side by side with the Ugandan team as we partner with the local church to wrap around vulnerable children and families equipping and empowering them to discover the Fatherheart of God and their divine purpose and potential.  Amiina offers various skill trainings at their community center.   We are excited to be adding another skill training in carpentry and welding.  Kevin will lead this effort as he trains young men in carpentry and disciples their heart in the truth and love of the Gospel.  We will also be serving side by side with Amiina's staff and local church equipping and encouraging them to sustainable meet the needs of their community.  

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Ministry Set Up for Smith Family

The up front set up cost to move a family across the globe is high but necessary.  We see the opportunities of e...

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